13 Tips to Make 2017 Your Best Microbiz Year Ever!

13 Ways to build a stronger, more profitable microbiz in 2017!13 Ways to build a stronger, more profitable microbiz in 2017!

Happy MicroBiz Matters Day! Today in the UK, a group of micro enterprise entrepreneurs are celebrating their businesses! Over the past several years, many successful microbusinesses have been founded by people over the age of fifty who want to create an extraordinary business for themselves and families. These businesses have less than 10 employees.

There are over 5 million of theses businesses in the UK alone and many more worldwide. They are creating quite a stir because they have taken a part of the workforce who typically struggle to get hired into corporate jobs and helped these leaders reinvent themselves. The have reenergized these leaders and reinvigorated the economy of the UK. The challenge is that they have great technical skills, but could use help developing their entrepreneurial strengths. Enter my friend Tony Robinson OBE who is championing this cause in the UK.

How you may ask? He’s asked his fellow business people to commit to help 13 of these microbiz owners in several ways. From buying services products and services from them, to promoting their services when given the opportunity, to what I’m doing, which is sharing 13 implementable ideas that can help them grow their business and expand their possibilities. Pick the one that works best for you and commit to doing it over the next 12 months.  If you can, do more. The support is always appreciated.

Now let’s get started. I’m sharing several ideas that can transform your business. Thirteen of Tripp’s best tips to inspire you throughout the coming year.

Take one of the ideas and write it out on a card and put it in your office. Then take time to think how you might apply it that day in your business. Leave the cards around your office to inspire you.  Before you know it, you will see a major change in how you do business. You will find joy in your life and work.

Now let’s get started. You can find these ideas shared in more detail in Tim Ferriss’s new book Tools of  Titans. This book will change your life and your thinking! Grab a copy next time your out book shopping! I’ll return to many of these themes throughout 2017. Come back every Thursday to see what we share. I know it will be a good time investment in your life and business.

The first tip for Microbiz leaders is never audition; own or create your own niche. Arnold Schwarzenegger believes that too many people spend too much time trying to do something that someone else could do better. Learn to embrace your unique gifts, strengths, and life experiences!  How do you stand out from a crowd? Move away from industry norms and find ways to accentuate your gifts.

The second tip for Microbiz leaders is learn how to thrive in an unknowable future. Derek Silvers believes that the most successful people are incredibly flexible with their plans. How rigid are your plans and how agile can you become at seizing new opportunities?

The third tip for Microbiz leaders is It doesn’t always have to be hard. Reid Hoffman believes many entrepreneurs struggle because they make their business more challenging than it needs to be. How can you simplify your business to make it easier to do the things you do?

The fourth tip for Microbiz leaders is to determine the biggest trends that you see defining the future. Peter Thiel believes that you should look at larger trends and decide if you should be involved in them. Do you really need to be the 12th marketing consulting specializing in small business? How can you define your own market by your own terms?

The fifth tip for Microbiz leaders is that you are more powerful than you think you are. Act accordingly! Seth Godin reminds us we can have tremendous impact on other’s lives. Embrace the possibilities that your life offers. Realize what you do is more about impact than influence and take action on the possibilities.

The sixth tip for Microbiz leaders is always find other leaders who challenge your assumptions. Phil Libin, cofounder of Evernote, believes that entrepreneurs should surround themselves with people who are willing to challenge their thinking on a regular basis. Take time to expand your network to people who are more challenging. It can pay huge dividends.

The seventh tip for Microbiz leaders is money is a great servant and a horrible master. Daymond John believes it’s critical to find your passion and then jump in. Don’t go half way, compete to win. Have you ever given up just short of your goal? Want to grow a better business, become better at how you pursue your goals.

The eight tip for Microbiz leaders is edit for you, your fans, then your haters. Neil Strauss makes his living shaking up people’s thinking. He’s been a rebel for a very long time because he knows who he is. How often do you go out of your way to please someone who is insatiable, and never pleased?

Stop.  Fire this client. You will be glad you did. To succeed in your microbiz, you need to satisfy yourself first, then your customers, and then don’t worry.

The ninth tip for Microbiz leaders is when given a choice, take both. This tip comes from Peter Diamandis who believes that you should be willing to embrace ambiguity if you hope to revolutionize your markets. He believes you can’t create extraordinary growth without being paradoxical in some of your choices. When was the last time you stretched yourself?

The tenth tip for Microbiz leaders is a blessing in excess can become a curse. Tim Ferris believes many entrepreneurs are working with too many customers who don’t pay enough to fuel profitable growth. Can you offer fewer clients a higher level of service that you could charge more for? Take time to evaluate your client base and decide which customers you work best with. Then decide to offer them higher cost services that will allow you to leverage your time better.

The eleventh tip for Microbiz leaders is get consistent and develop a deep love for your work. Maria Popova is an extraordinary entrepreneur. She makes her living sharing wisdom in an untraditional way. She has said “if you’re looking for a formula for greatness, the closest we’ll ever get, I think, is this: Consistency driven by a deep love of the work.” Do you love the work you do? Are you doing what you love consistently?

The 12th tip is for Microbiz leaders is two is one and one is none. This tip comes from Jocko Willin, former Commander of Seal Team Three. Have you had a technology breakdown during a critical mission or project? Successful leaders have multiple options and plans for when things go wrong. Make sure you have multiple options to solve your most challenging situations. You cannot believe in how much more powerful you will feel in any given situation

 The final tip for Microbiz leaders is go from influence to impact in everything you do. This is the one I work on every day. It’s great to have hundreds of thousands of people reading your writing. Watching a great plan successfully implemented is the most incredible feeling on the planet. I’ve seen it with my most successful clients. Work with clients who don’t stop half way. Make sure you are all in for their success.

There is no glory in being only partially committed to yourself and your clients. You never know when you will change the world!

Want more great ideas for your microbiz? You might enjoy 8 Minutes and 3 Ways to Grow Your Microbiz in 2017!

Happy Micro Biz Matters Day! Now let’s get going to see how can change the world together!




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