Business Leadership

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What Can Entrepreneurs Learn from Captain America?

I saw Captain America; Winter Soldier last Thursday at one of the advance showings here in Ohio. It got me thinking about how we entrepreneurs deal with our most pressing challenges today. Captain America has been around for over 70 years and his popularity is still on the rise.  Want…

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How Can YouTube Make Your Business a Giant Killer?

How do you get noticed among all the competitors and partners in your market? I’ve asked this question several times over the past several years, and get a different answer every time I ask. I’d get one common answer, but in the past it was never the number one answer….

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Ensure Effective and Affordable Videos with a Focus on Pre-Production

Business marketing people understand that videos can be powerful sales tools. Many still aren’t producing them, though. Why not? They find the process daunting (they’ve never done it before). They’ve determined that the costs are too high. They found a low cost video producer, and they had a terrible experience….

Do You Need Help with That?

Not long ago at the store I offered someone help with their groceries who clearly needed it, and initially met resistance. How often have we needed help, but refused?

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How College Hinders Millennials Entering the Job Market

I work with many great students from a number of schools and programs. When looking at our future, it’s critical to remember where our careers started and how challenging it was to get our first professional position. I’ve asked my resident Millennial, Erin to share her thoughts.

Overcoming Fear of Rejection, Part 1

No one likes to be rejected in any of life’s situations. We all have fear of rejection, and we go to great lengths to protect our fragile egos.

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How Entrepreneurs can Leverage both Process and Innovation to Grow

Does your work place vision statement incorporate the word ‘innovation’ yet the company is far from being innovative. In fact, most ideas are the same old ideas that have been recycled year after year? If you said yes to the above you are caught in the ‘innovation’ trap that lots…