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How Can You Be a Better Coach for Your Growing Team?

Albert Einstein once said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” How do you tap into your sacred gifts? When people tell me they want to grow and…

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The Strengths That Each Personality Brings to Your Team

Each person on your team brings a unique set of strengths to the table. Some strengths are a learned skill-set. Others are natural in-born strengths common to their personality type. I conduct corporate workshops using a personality assessment platform to educate and equip teams to be effective communicators. The first…

How do you lead a high performing team?

How Do Lead Your First High Performing Team?

You just got your next big promotion. Congrats, now what do you do to make sure you get the best results from your new team members? Don’t worry we’re here to help you keep your career growing and moving forward. Today, I share several keys to leading a high performing…

How do you nurture and care for your dreams?

How Big Are Your Dreams? How to Build an Extraordinary Life!

What do you dream of? What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? This question has been asked throughout history and it always brings an inspiring response. I’m on the road lately meeting with and talking to many great entrepreneurs about the future of business. It’s easy to…

How do you build a winning attitude on your team?

The Right Components to Build a Winning Team.

Developing a strong team is a critical competitive advantage in today’s business world. When you’re able to harness the collective genius of a team you achieve exponentially more than you would with just individuals. What are the right components for a winning team? 

How can leaders develop and inspire others on their teams?

Are You a Leader Who Inspires Loyalty?

Whether it’s downsizing, reorganization, or employees choosing to leave, companies continue to get leaner and leaner. The workforce that remains faces an increased workload and fewer resources to work with. If not addressed appropriately, this could lead to higher turnover. What can a leader do to develop and inspire loyalty?

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Why is Personal Development Critical?

I was working with an executive recently and we were discussing the numerous changes he had experienced during his career with a Fortune 50 company. The marketplace today is vastly different from what it was when he began his career 28 years ago. Rules of engagement with his customers have…