
What are the parts of an effective acquisition strategy?

How can you get the most out of your business acquisitions?

Over 60% of the CXO level leaders I interviewed and talked with over the past 90 days have told me they plan to make acquisitions in the next 12 months.  I believe this number could be even higher for midmarket organizations looking to grow their business in 2016. The more…

Do you know how you lead?

Leader, Know Yourself

How often have you heard inadequate leaders, when things go wrong, blame their staff, their customers, their competitors or the government, or a combination of those? But never seem to show any awareness of their own shortcomings? In an age where there is constant pressure on companies large and small…

Let’s Talk About Greed…and Google.

Moving on through our business ethics-based analysis of the timeless seven deadly sins, we now come to the sin of “avarice,” otherwise known as greed. Yes, we all know how Google is so full of greed that it “wants to own the internet” as part of its evil plot to take over the world. Why else would they offer so much to us for free?

Are You Running or Growing?

For many business leaders, a big obstacle they often face to growing their business is actually running it. Are you making the best use of your time?

How much do you know about your market?

How Much Do You Know About Your Market?

To create successful marketing messages, you must know your market. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? How well do you know your market? Most successful entrepreneurs understand their markets or they couldn’t remain in business.

How do you build a better marketing message today?

How Do You Build a Better Marketing Message?

How can you get your marketing message heard above the crowd?  Many of the people you are trying to connect with are exposed to over 30,000 messages a day. How can you connect with your best clients today?

Do you know your clients’ trigger events?

Can Knowing Trigger Events Improve Your Sales Results?

Companies spend millions of dollars marketing and advertising, hoping they capture their clients’ hearts and minds early in the sales cycle. So many of your best clients are too busy to respond to a call or respond to an email. How can you use trigger events to help you become…

Does your story connect with key stakeholders?

Entrepreneurs, What’s Your Business’s Story?

For many high growth business leaders, it’s critical to tell a great story to your clients and other stakeholders.  Why is a good story so important to your long term financial success? I have found that good leaders, like good storytellers, understand how stories can help them during all phases…

How do entrepreneurs and serving leaders celebrate freedom?

Why Entrepreneurs Should Celebrate Freedom Today.

This weekend we celebrate our independence on July Fourth. For many of the serving leaders I know, it’s a reminder of how important freedom is to entrepreneurs and serving leaders. Many men and women entrepreneurs have been serving others for a long time. They started their lives in the military…