High Performing Teams

What major sales trend should you leverage?

What Major Sales Trend Should You Leverage To Grow?

What major sales trend will entrepreneurs need to grow their business faster over the next six months? We are seeing several key trends emerging that can help you increase your sales and profits more quickly. There are many opportunities for new profitable growth if leaders choose to take advantage of these…

How can a leader handle a negative surprise?

How an Effective Leader Responds to a Negative Surprise

It was the beginning of a weekend back in 2013. Ford Motor Company’s then global head of social media Scott Monty was about to board a plane in Europe, bound for the US, when he spotted the Business Insider article with a headline asking was this the “worst Ford ad…

How do entrepreneurs and serving leaders celebrate freedom?

Why Entrepreneurs Should Celebrate Freedom Today.

This weekend we celebrate our independence on July Fourth. For many of the serving leaders I know, it’s a reminder of how important freedom is to entrepreneurs and serving leaders. Many men and women entrepreneurs have been serving others for a long time. They started their lives in the military…

How to keep growing in 2016!

What Strengths Do Entrepreneurs Need to Keep Growing?

How can you keep your business growing? How do successful entrepreneurs continue growing their businesses year after year? These executives have discovered that if they hope to grow their business significantly, they need to grow as well. Many successful clients have gone from stage two businesses with revenue of $10…

Can advisory boards help entrepreneurs succeed faster?

How Advisory Boards Can Help Entrepreneurs Get Results!

What are the key elements to build a successful advisory board? How do you find the right individuals who can help you increase your business’s success?  I have been on advisory boards for over twenty years. I’ve helped many of my clients find the right people that can help them…

Can Twyla Tharp improve your collaboration skills?

How Twyla Tharp Can Add Harmony to Your Collaboration!

When I think of Twyla Tharp I think of creativity in collaboration. When I was younger, I was given a book written by Twyla Tharp called The Creative Habit. It was an incredible resource that helped me better understand how creativity was a habit, and habits can be learned. I’ve…