Human Capital

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The Secret to Luck

When I graduated from college back in 1991, I had already been working as a communications manager for a medium-sized company ($75 million) for two years. Mind you, this was during a heavy recession: while many of my fellow graduates were looking to become looking at temporary positions as waiters or bank tellers, I was fortunate to be earning an above-average salary and had already accumulated a considerable amount of experience. You might say that it was luck. But was it?

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3 Ways Leaders Can Identify and Remove Their Blind Spots

My extended family lives over 15 hours away, which makes for a long road trip for our family to visit them. We always complete the trip in one day. I can’t tell you the number of times I use my rear-view mirrors to navigate the road on those trips. I…

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How Can You Be a Better Coach for Your Growing Team?

Albert Einstein once said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” How do you tap into your sacred gifts? When people tell me they want to grow and…

How do you lead a high performing team?

How Do Lead Your First High Performing Team?

You just got your next big promotion. Congrats, now what do you do to make sure you get the best results from your new team members? Don’t worry we’re here to help you keep your career growing and moving forward. Today, I share several keys to leading a high performing…

How do you build a winning attitude on your team?

The Right Components to Build a Winning Team.

Developing a strong team is a critical competitive advantage in today’s business world. When you’re able to harness the collective genius of a team you achieve exponentially more than you would with just individuals. What are the right components for a winning team? 

How do you build a CEO Succession Strategy?

Why Do So Many Privately Held CEO Succession Plans Fail?

This week, we’re talking about your board; how the boards’ roles are changing, their key responsibilities, and how to build your team. With so many successful baby boomer leaders moving towards retirement, it’s critical that your board is prepared to help with CEO succession planning. I got several notes from…

What new tools do you need in your leadership toolkit?

What Tools Do You Need in Your Leadership Playbook?

We are beginning to see turnover at the top of many family and privately held businesses. Estimates are as high as 10,000 baby boomers retiring every day. How many of them are your critical team members? Have you created a business that extends beyond this generation of leadership?  Judging by…

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Why is Personal Development Critical?

I was working with an executive recently and we were discussing the numerous changes he had experienced during his career with a Fortune 50 company. The marketplace today is vastly different from what it was when he began his career 28 years ago. Rules of engagement with his customers have…

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How Do You Compete for the Future?

How do you build a business with staying power into the future? How do you create an organization that continuesgrowing no matter what happens in your markets? The most popular question I get at the 19th hole is how entrepreneurs can continue to build the value of their business and have…

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The Power of A Players to Make You a Market Leader

Bill Gates once said, “Take our 20 best people away, and I will tell you that Microsoft would become an unimportant company. “At the time of the quote, Microsoft had over 400,000 employees across the globe and over thirty billion dollars in the bank to invest in future business opportunities….