Leading teams

Wash, Rinse, Repeat…for Ninety Days.

As we begin another new year hoping to adopt new habits and shake off old ones, there is some infinite wisdom in those three words found on most shampoo bottles.

May you know the joy of sharing this Christmas

What Do Successful Entrepreneurs Want This Christmas?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! What do successful market leaders want for Christmas? I’ve spent significant time on the road and the phone this year talking, walking, and working with entrepreneurs. I thought you might be interested to learn want the want in their life in 2015 and beyond….

Culture helps you build and retain a winning team!

Can Culture Provide Midmarket Leaders an Edge?

If you’re a successful mid-market entrepreneur you know the importance of building a strong culture in your business. In previous posts, we talked about the skills gap and the changing employment market as the economy continues to strengthen. What role does culture and personality play in attracting and retaining the…

What Big Trends Will Impact Your Business in 2015?

What Big Trends Will Impact Your Business in 2015?

At this time of year, I’m often asked how I help my clients prepare for the coming year. For many of my clients, we spend time every quarter looking at a number of resources that help them focus on the bigger trends impacting their businesses. By doing this several times…

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

Does Your Leadership Communicate an Attitude of Thankfulness?

As leaders it’s important that we communicate an attitude of thankfulness through our leadership. The attitude of the leader permeates the entire organization. As we are grateful, appreciative and thankful, so will our people be as they watch our example. How do you share an attitude of Thanksgiving?

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

Are You Fixing the Turkey or Just Bringing the Salad?

As we approach our nation’s annual ritual of Thanksgiving, through which we (hopefully) reflect with gratitude on all the blessings we Americans enjoy (amidst the celebration of family togetherness and dysfunction), it raises in my mind the question that so many families ask: “Who’s fixing the turkey this year?”

Do you help your clients see the big picture?

How Can Serving Entrepreneurs Find Their Best Clients?

How do you increase the average sales transaction for your growing business?  It’s funny, we coach clients on the different ways we can grow a client’s business, but fail to apply the same thinking to our own businesses. Before I get any more notes from people saying, “My clients would…