
How do you stay in the game?

The Ball is Forever in Your Court. Don’t Drop It.

I don’t know if I’m belaboring the subject of making calls, but when it comes to our own challenges in overcoming call reluctance, part of me feels like it just cannot get too much attention. There is a saying (and I don’t know if it is very common) that goes,…

The Two Faces of Networking

We pointed out in the last article (The Awful Truth about Networking) that some people are more trusting than others. The fact is, not everyone you meet will feel comfortable putting you in touch with everyone they know. In such cases, there is something missing…an element of trust…a relationship. Building…

The Awful Truth about Networking

Here is the truth about networking: Not everyone you meet is necessarily going to feel comfortable putting you in touch with everyone they know.

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“Accept it, Dude…She’s NOT Gonna’ Call.”

When considering the importance of keeping the faith and not giving up, I was recently reminded of an experience I had with my son Jacob, who is now 21 and attending college at Ohio University. It was on a Saturday morning in an early spring, and at the time he was only 15. If you went outside that morning, you would have heard the familiar sound of lawnmowers could on every block—unless you were within an earshot of my house.

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Man Gives Right Arm to Meet with Prospect

Phil Reese, vice president of Small Business Payroll Services, LLC in Columbus, Ohio had a problem not unlike what many of you may be facing.

“For a number of years,” Phil says, “we did very well driving new business purely on referrals. But as the economy tumbled, I came to notice that those incoming calls were slowing dramatically…which meant that I had to increase my prospecting activity.”

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The First Rule of Engagement

Today in this time of information overload, as multiple media sources and their sponsors compete for our attention, we hear much more emphasis placed on engagement. But what exactly does that word mean? According to Merriam-Webster, which of course offers many definitions, the one that applies to our plight is…

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LinkedWorking: An Answer Per Day will Bring People Your Way

You know, people with great connections don’t have them by accident. Indeed, when you come across another person who has lots of connections in different places, that asset of “human capital” was built at a price. Someone had to work to build that asset. This perspective is shared with me…

What does it take to be an eagle?

“Once an Eagle…”

What does it mean to be totally committed? And when you personally are committed to a worthy goal, what are your chances of achieving it without the support–and an equal commitment–of those who are with you? I think a strong illustration of this dynamic is found in Scouting. I know…

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Ask. Then Shut Up.

A while back, a very close artist friend posted a question on Facebook: “Does anyone have any suggestions on how to close a sale?” Apparently, she had been experiencing some frustration with prospective buyers “dancing” around the notion buying her paintings—and not being able to get them to cross the finish line, so to speak.

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What Sales Trends are Impacting Your Business’s Sales?

Today, we do our first executive briefing on using The Wedge.We’ve chosen to do this initial briefing because many of our readers have shared that something has changed in the last year about how they sell and market their products and service. They shared several sales trends that are impacting…