
What Makes a Gimmick?

One of the most significant challenges for B-to-B prospecting is getting your foot in the door. This is true whether you are seeking your next client or your next job. Prospects have so much coming at them so often that we have to work to get their attention. The Wedge…

If You’re Not Making Mistakes, You’re Fired.

Most people in their jobs or client relationships worry about “getting fired” for making mistakes. Indeed, if you are working and focused on desired outcomes, mistakes are inevitable.

Referral Groups: To Join or Not to Join?

Because personal referrals are so much of what drives business in many professions, referral groups is very popular. These are typically tightly managed groups of non-competing professionals who meet on a regular basis to share ideas, contacts and referrals for potential business opportunities. Essentially, when you join the group, the group becomes your extended set of eyes and ears in the community, as you become for every other member.

Client Testimonials: If They Write Them, They Won’t Come

We all know that client testimonials can be one of the best ways to grab the attention of prospects in your marketing. They give you credibility, they show you have a successful track record, and most importantly they reflect the feelings that your clients have when you have served them with success.

How do you stay in the game?

The Ball is Forever in Your Court. Don’t Drop It.

I don’t know if I’m belaboring the subject of making calls, but when it comes to our own challenges in overcoming call reluctance, part of me feels like it just cannot get too much attention. There is a saying (and I don’t know if it is very common) that goes,…

The Two Faces of Networking

We pointed out in the last article (The Awful Truth about Networking) that some people are more trusting than others. The fact is, not everyone you meet will feel comfortable putting you in touch with everyone they know. In such cases, there is something missing…an element of trust…a relationship. Building…

The Awful Truth about Networking

Here is the truth about networking: Not everyone you meet is necessarily going to feel comfortable putting you in touch with everyone they know.

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Man Gives Right Arm to Meet with Prospect

Phil Reese, vice president of Small Business Payroll Services, LLC in Columbus, Ohio had a problem not unlike what many of you may be facing.

“For a number of years,” Phil says, “we did very well driving new business purely on referrals. But as the economy tumbled, I came to notice that those incoming calls were slowing dramatically…which meant that I had to increase my prospecting activity.”

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The First Rule of Engagement

Today in this time of information overload, as multiple media sources and their sponsors compete for our attention, we hear much more emphasis placed on engagement. But what exactly does that word mean? According to Merriam-Webster, which of course offers many definitions, the one that applies to our plight is…

Can you identify what's in this picture?

What You Don’t Know and the Bliss of Ignorance

Ten years ago, there was an independent movie released called The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. A blend of romantic dark comedy and science fiction, it’s a story about a couple who, when their relationship becomes strained and unbearable, undergo a process to erase each other–and their history–from their…