How Do You Build an Extraordinary Sales Career Today?

How do you build an extraordinary sales career today?

How do you build an extraordinary sales career today?

How do you take your business to the next level? What skills are critical for your business to become a market leader in today’s changing market? As a regular reader of Market Leadership Journal, you know how important we think it is for you to be able to prospect and flourish in your business. When I talk to clients and partners they all share how much they appreciate the blogs written by Keith Luscher.  He provides many great ideas that help you share your message with your best clients and prospects.

I thought it might be helpful to have Keith share more of his great ideas with you. Keith has a very busy schedule presenting his ideas to many smaller business owners at professional programs across the Midwest. I want to provide you with an opportunity to hear from Keith more directly. After several discussions, we decided that hosting a webinar might be a great way to help you use his tools in a more organized way. Keith’s books and training have made a significant difference to the clients and people to whom I’ve introduced him.  So I thought I’d co-host a webinar with Keith.

Based on your feedback, I’ve been told that Keith provides the greatest value to people who do not see themselves as sales professionals, but as consultants who feel if they could just get in front of their best potential clients, they’d earn the right to do business with them. Most of the smaller business leaders I talk with all feel that something has changed about how we sell and market our products and services.  They’re no longer sure of how to begin the relationship with potential clients.  Keith and I agree, we’ve seen several changes in the markets and have developed a program that helps you get your foot in the door.

If you have a small sales team you know how important it is to invest time in the best clients and partners. Bigger organizations have time to spend with the wrong people—you don’t. So Keith shares several ideas that can help you get meetings with the critical decision makers in the organizations you want to sell to. In my sales leadership roles, I’ve seen sales professionals spend too much time with people who cannot say yes, but don’t tell you that when you’re working with them. My guess is that sales professionals and selling business owners spend over 60 percent of their time with the wrong people. Increase your effectiveness during the prospecting phase of business and you will double, and sometimes triple, your closing rate.

On the other side of the coin, I see many great entrepreneurs who have incredibly high closing ratios, but have a hard time earning a good living in the business. They close everyone they meet with, but they can’t get the quantity or quality of prospects that can help them build a successful business.

To address these issues, we decided to put on a presentation that gets you some good ideas on how to jump-start your pipeline.

Now, what do we want from you? Well, first, your participation. Seems simple but we need you to help us promote this program.  We have many great readers and subscribers, but we want to make sure that we are providing you with information you can use.

Second, we want you to send us your questions.  I can ask Keith the questions you want answered during the call. If we get enough support, we can start providing these webinars on a monthly basis covering many of the different topics we write about here at Market Leadership Journal.  We also want to share with you when we have special offers available, so register for the program. During our last special event promotion, we were able to give away over 800 Kindle copies of Keith’s book Prospect and Flourish in two days.  Not bad, but here’s the challenge of working through Amazon, we were unable to get a list of the people who got a free copy of Prospect and Flourish, so our ability to contact these people is limited.  We want to develop an online community for you. To do this, we need to find a way of letting you know when special events are available.

So this is the first step. We hope you find value in this program. If you do, we will continue to share this type of event on a regular basis. If this isn’t what you’re looking for, let us know.  We will continue writing, but understand there is limited interest in an ongoing series of education webinars. It’s really up to you.  You can also share your thoughts in a less public forum by sending me an email at

Register to get your complimentary tickets to the Your Foot in the Door: A Free B2B Webinar from Market Leadership Journal  program here. We have a limited number of spaces available, so don’t hesitate to register today for this special pilot program.  Look forward to talking with you online. Thanks.

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