brand leadership

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An Idea…and a Blank Page, Part I

It always seems that so many people want to write a book. In fact, it’s regarded to be one of the most common items on peoples’ “bucket lists.” The reasons why will often vary, but more often than not, the purpose is tied to business. Many people want to write…

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How To Make Money With Facebook

If you use social media you might be under the misunderstanding that you can’t really do much “business” on Facebook. That just means you haven’t been exposed to the now famous fan page. You are correct in thinking that Facebook has rules about not selling on your main profile page,…

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Avoid the Twitter Trap!

Don’t get this headline wrong. I think Twitter is great, and use it myself (hence the icon link above). Often described as a “mini-blog,” Twitter is a social networking tool that uses the SMS text protocol (short messaging service) designed for mobile phones (which explains the 140-character limit). Twitter was…

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Curation – the Savior of SMB Content Marketers

We know content marketing is effective, yet for SMBs it often doesn’t deliver the results that it should. Why not? EXECUTION! Everybody who works in SMB B2B marketing is well aware of this. The agencies, the consultants, the gurus… even the clients know it. Smaller businesses just don’t have the…

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Introducing Bob Leonard

I met Bob Leonard several months ago. He impressed me with his understanding of marketing and business strategies. After talking with Bob, I asked him to write several guest blogs talking about the emerging marketing trend of content curation for SMB organizations. For many of us involved in creating content…

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Being Authentic In Your Business & Your Life

There’s a lot of talk these days about being authentic – especially as it relates to your business. The question is, what exactly does that mean? Some business owners have taken this to mean they can say and do whatever they want to because it’s just them being authentic. Everyone’s…

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Stop Being A Commodity

Many business owners think they have to sell on one thing and one thing only – price. This is absolutely the right path to take if you want whatever the product or service you offer to be treated like and thought about as a commodity by your clients and prospects….

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Are You a Hunter or a Farmer?

“If executive recruiting and staffing is a barometer of how our economy is progressing, I am pleased to say that I feel optimistic about the days ahead,” says Chris Gardner, principal of Artemis Consultants. Chris leads an executive search firm that places talent in the areas of data, marketing and…

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Newsletter Marketing – Frequency Trumps Everything

If you’ve been reading my blog ( for a while, you’ve heard me say that how often you send a customer newsletter is the most important thing. It is more important than its style, color, size, name, or anything else you can think to ask me about. Some companies will…

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The Advantages of Having & Successfully Using Good Squeeze Pages

A squeeze page, also known as a landing page, is a single paged website that is designed for one reason and one reason only…and that is to get a prospect to leave their name and/or email address in exchange for something, some offer, you made them and they want. For…