brand leadership

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Are You Hiring Sales Talent for Your Start Up? What You Should Know

I’ve received several notes from former clients who run startup businesses asking how to hire the right sales professionals for their businesses. They found that hiring the best resume often  times leads to failure for the startup sales professionals.

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How Do You Identify Your Client’s Agenda?

How do you stand out from the crowd when marketing your products and services? With all the marketing messages you see and hear every day, what stands out for you, what gets you to take action on something you hear today? I bet if you’re like me, you respond to…

What are the big trends in the coming year?

What Five Trends Will Impact Your Life and Business in 2014?

The year 2013 is now behind us.  Time to pull out the crystal ball, dust it off and discover what trends will impact your life and business in 2014. I don’t know if I’m lucky or good, but, of the things I predict, I average over 95% of them happen…

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How Does the Millennial Generation View the Working World?

In my work with clients and the emails I get from you, the reader, I’m frequently asked the same questions.  One of the most common questions I get is, “What’s going on with this new generation of workers, the Millennials?”  Employers, older co-workers just don’t understand how younger people tick. 

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How Do You Nudge Your Potential Clients to Action?

Last week we talked about warming up your cold calls. This week, we share how you might nudge people to take the first steps into becoming your client. For most of the services I sell my competition doesn’t offer similar services but I still have to get the potential client…

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How Do You Raise the Value of Your Business?

How do you raise the value of your business? How do you create more value when you plan to sell your business?  Whenever I meet with business owners, I’m always asked two questions; How much is my business worth and how do I raise the value of my business?

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Can Entrepreneurs Increase Results through Better Selling Strategies?

Last week we talked about how to team up with your best clients and partners. This week we share with you the foundation of building a stronger relationship throughout the selling process.  Lets get started talking about how you can apply these sales strategies to your growing business. There are…

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How to Team up with Your Customers to Win More Business

What is the purpose of a business? Every time I ask this question during a business seminar, the immediate answer that I get back is, “To make a profit.” But this answer is wrong. The purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer. If a business successfully…

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How Entrepreneurs can get Better Referrals Every Time!

 Over the past couple of weeks we’ve talked about the value of better referrals and building your referral network. These strategies can help you decrease your cost of sales, increase your time talking with qualified prospects, and, ultimately, create a valuable network for clients, partners, and future customers. So how…

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How Entrepreneurs can Build a Powerful Referral Network

Last week, we talked about getting more referrals out of your calls. I suggested that the reason many people fail to get referrals is they don’t have a trust based relationship with the people to whom they are talking.  I also suggested that we may be too pushy to get…