Business Strategies

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Watson, Come Here, I Need You!

Thus starts the mystery of the mobile app featuring Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, and A Game of Shadows.   Last week we talked about the mobile revolution and I shared several startling facts about how mobile is going to change the way we do business and the way we experience the…

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How Do You Build Trust?

With all the uncertainty in the world today, what is the key skill required to become a better leader? Over the past several weeks we’ve seen how important trust is in making an organization successful. The Facebook IPO has reminded us again how important it is to maintain trust with…

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The Seven Secrets of Sales Success

There are seven secrets, or principles, of sales success. They are practiced by all the highest paid salespeople every day. The regular application of these principles is virtually guaranteed to move you to the top of your field. Secret number one: Get serious! Make a decision to go all the…

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How to Take Care of the Ridiculous Customer

Previously, I’ve talked about the L.E.A.R. method for helping upset customers. L – Listen and don’t interrupt E – Empathize with something like, “I can understand why you’re upset.  I would be upset too.” A – Ask – What can I do to make you happy? R – Resolve –…

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How Demanding is Your Customer?

How has your market changed in the last two years? I’ve spent the last several weeks meeting with several of my best clients, discussing with them how their markets have changed. It’s interesting because these clients are large nonprofit organizations that are leaders in their fields.  They represent causes that…

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Using Personality in Your Copy

One of the most effective ways to make your marketing sizzle, and to make real connections with your customers and clients, is to add your personality. The fact is, customers prefer to do business with people whom they know and like – not nameless and faceless corporations. Personality works. It…

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So What’s Your Story?

I’m a great believer in the power of stories.  If you look at all the recent stories of breakthrough products and services of the past five years, you will uncover a missing ingredient that is seldom talked about and almost never shared among marketers. When it’s shared in a public…

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Selling Online, Selling Offline: What’s the Difference?

Ever since I created Unlock The Game™, one of the first questions people always ask me is, “Does Unlock The Game™ apply to online selling?” I’ve been holding off on answering that question because I wanted to get enough experience under my belt with my own online business so I could…

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Conclusion of The Power of the Mastermind

The first part of this blog explained what a Mastermind group is. This second half explains how to use a Mastermind group to achieve its full advantage. Having supportive accountability partners is a must if you want to keep your goal in mind and achieve that goal. It is imperative…

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The Power of the Mastermind

Napoleon Hill introduced the world to the concept of the Mastermind in is classic book “Think & Grow Rich” In it he explains the Mastermind as… “The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.” He continues…