Business Strategies

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What Can Entrepreneurs Learn from Captain America?

I saw Captain America; Winter Soldier last Thursday at one of the advance showings here in Ohio. It got me thinking about how we entrepreneurs deal with our most pressing challenges today. Captain America has been around for over 70 years and his popularity is still on the rise.  Want…

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How do You Build Greater Value into Your COI Network?

For many of us who sell professional services, we do much of our business development through partners and referrals.  I spend over half my time talking with Centers of Influence (COI) in business development activities. I thought it might be helpful to share what I’ve learned in developing relationships with…

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Are You Almost Human? How to Build Extraordinary Relationships Today!

Can you can learn a few valuable business lessons from the futuristic new cop drama show on Fox:  Almost Human?   What I can share with you is that you can learn a few valuable business lessons from the futuristic new cop drama show on Fox:  Almost Human.

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How Do You Identify Your Client’s Agenda?

How do you stand out from the crowd when marketing your products and services? With all the marketing messages you see and hear every day, what stands out for you, what gets you to take action on something you hear today? I bet if you’re like me, you respond to…

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How Does the Millennial Generation View the Working World?

In my work with clients and the emails I get from you, the reader, I’m frequently asked the same questions.  One of the most common questions I get is, “What’s going on with this new generation of workers, the Millennials?”  Employers, older co-workers just don’t understand how younger people tick. 

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How to Find Your Best Clients Faster!

For many of the entrepreneurs I know the biggest challenge they face is getting the best potential clients on the phone to even start developing a relationship with them. It’s not that the client doesn’t know who you are, but they don’t have time to talk with you today.  The…

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How Does Your Marketing Impact the Bottom Line?

Last week, we talked about why you should make sure you have strong financial systems to make your business easier to manage.  I received several great notes asking me what marketing metrics impact the value and growth of your business.  I thought I’d share the five metrics I’d look for…

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How Can You Build Stronger Relationships with Your Best Clients?

How do you build stronger relationships with your future clients? How can you understand your client’s view of the world so that you can create a lasting relationship? For the last thirty years, I’ve been interviewing men and women from many of the world’s most entrepreneurial organizations. This has provided…