cause marketing

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Who Is Your Customer?

The single biggest change in marketing of our lifetime may be the answer to this question, “Who is your customer?” If you wonder why most organizations fail, it’s because they have not answered this critical question for their organization.  It seems so obvious, but the answer may surprise you. In…

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How Demanding is Your Customer?

How has your market changed in the last two years? I’ve spent the last several weeks meeting with several of my best clients, discussing with them how their markets have changed. It’s interesting because these clients are large nonprofit organizations that are leaders in their fields.  They represent causes that…

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How To Make Money With Facebook

If you use social media you might be under the misunderstanding that you can’t really do much “business” on Facebook. That just means you haven’t been exposed to the now famous fan page. You are correct in thinking that Facebook has rules about not selling on your main profile page,…