Daniel Burrus

How can 3 digital accelerators transform your organization with certainty?

How Digital Accelerators Give You an Anticipatory Advantage!

How can you use technology to create unique products and services? Have you considered harnessing the hard trends involving accelerating technologies to create better customer experiences? Today, I share a core concept from Daniel Burrus’ new book, The Anticipatory Organization, on how you can create an anticipatory advantage!

Should your CEO be driving your innovation efforts?

Is Your CEO Driving Your Innovation Efforts?

How does innovation grow in your organization? Who is responsible for creating a business that not only is a market leader, but one that will lead in the years to come. How can leaders leverage their teams for greatest impact? Should your CEO driving your innovation efforts?

What trends will help you build an Anticipatory Organization?

Can Business Trends Move You into an Anticipatory Age?

Over the past several months I’ve been talking with many potential new clients. It’s always interesting to see what organizations are doing outside my clients’ markets. What trends are transforming the way they do business? Are there future opportunities in these markets?