Happy Independence Day

How do you celebrate your freedom this Independence Day?

Why Leaders Celebrate Freedom on this Independence Day!

This weekend, we in United States celebrate our independence on July Fourth. For many of the entrepreneurs around the world I know, it’s a reminder of how important freedom is to serving leaders. In the United States, many of our most basic freedoms are under attack. Every day another freedom…

How do entrepreneurs and serving leaders celebrate freedom?

Why Entrepreneurs Should Celebrate Freedom Today.

This weekend we celebrate our independence on July Fourth. For many of the serving leaders I know, it’s a reminder of how important freedom is to entrepreneurs and serving leaders. Many men and women entrepreneurs have been serving others for a long time. They started their lives in the military…

How did Ben Franklin become our first global entrepreneur?

How do You Build Influence like Ben Franklin?

As we celebrate the Fourth of July, it’s a good time to remember one our country’s first entrepreneurs, Ben Franklin. It’s easy to forget how influential he was in helping to create a country that, over time, would change the world. Let’s see how we might apply his strategies of…