Keith F. Luscher

Buying Signals: The Crossover Between Sales and Dating

As I was giving one of my friends (call her Brenda) a lift to pick up her car from the garage, her ex messaged her on her phone and proceeded to respond. Just then it dawned on me what was happening here: she was sending him buying signals.

Is Your Problem a Crisis, or an Inconvenience?

Seven years ago, I was experiencing a truly difficult time in my life. I faced problems from every direction: physical, personal, financial and professional. As a result, I was drinking a lot, and of course driving as well. Indeed, when one adopts such a habit, it isn’t long before he gets caught by the police—at least the lucky ones do.

And I was one of the lucky ones.

To Thine Own Self Be True

Perhaps there is no more fundamental ethical value pertinent to trustworthiness than honesty.

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How Do You Build an Extraordinary Sales Career Today?

How do you take your business to the next level? What skills are critical for your business to become a market leader in today’s changing market? As a regular reader of Market Leadership Journal, you know how important we think it is for you to be able to prospect and…

Rejection IS Personal!

You shouldn’t let rejection get to you too much. After all, it’s not personal…or is it? Indeed, rejection is personal. Here’s why.

Overcoming Fear of Rejection, Part 1

No one likes to be rejected in any of life’s situations. We all have fear of rejection, and we go to great lengths to protect our fragile egos.

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Can ANYONE Make a Decision?

A few weeks ago I was having coffee with a business colleague here in Columbus, Ohio. He was sharing with me some of his experiences working with one of the larger employers here in Central Ohio (we have many of them). While he had many positive things to say about…

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An Idea…and a Blank Page, Part II

Last week we began on the challenge of creating quality content (whether it is for a book or some other information product) in which you can engage your audience. If you haven’t read the first part of this article, please click here to do so before continuing forward. I indicated…

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An Idea…and a Blank Page, Part I

It always seems that so many people want to write a book. In fact, it’s regarded to be one of the most common items on peoples’ “bucket lists.” The reasons why will often vary, but more often than not, the purpose is tied to business. Many people want to write…