market leadership journal

Can Richard Branson help you use stories better?

How Richard Branson Uses Stories to Influence Others Today

Many of the entrepreneurs I know are committed to having a major impact on our world.  Many are highly respected for their ability to move others to take action. One of my personal favorites is Richard Branson. He has used his social influence to impact many of the world’s largest…

How do you build successful strategic partnerships?

How Do You Grow Through Better Strategic Partnerships?

How do you evaluate your strategic partnerships? What makes most successful partnerships exceed your expectations? I been involved with many successful strategic partnerships in my career. I’ve worked on both large and small strategic partnerships.

Do you communicate for impact?

Three ways to Communicate with Confidence to Your Clients

We talked about why trust breaks down with our clients. We shared several ideas about why so many clients struggle to build thriving businesses based on long term client relationships. Today, we share several ideas that help you communicate more effectively with your clients and team members.

How do you build trust with clients?

Five Ways to Build Trust with Your Clients

How do you find great new clients while maintaining growth in your long term clients? Most clients trust me to help them find their best solution even if it isn’t me. How can you build trust with clients while growing your business?

Where to Find Exceptional Sales Leaders?

How Do You Find Exceptional Sales Leaders?

How do you find a person who can lead your sales teams through rapidly changing times? How do you attract and retain exceptional sales leaders for your organization?

How do you choose the serving leaders you follow?

What’s the most important qualities for serving leaders today?

Fifty weeks a year we focus on how to be better leaders. This week, I’d like to ask you a question that may change the way you live your life forever. The question is, how do you choose the leaders you follow?  What’s the most important qualities for today’s serving leaders?

What are the qualities of a smarter sales leader today?

Is Your Organization Ready For Smarter Sales Leaders?

What are the critical elements to great sales leadership? So many people I talk with tell me things are changing for them as sales leaders. The increasing complexity of doing business, global competition, and a limited group of talented professionals to choose from are changing the role of sales leaders. …

What skills do you need for team selling success?

What Skills Do You Need for Team Selling Success?

I believe the biggest sales trend of 2016 and beyond is team selling. Every executive I talk with asks me what trend has the largest impact on revenue growth for 2016.  I share with them that sales has become a team sport. Team selling is going to change the way…

What makes a high performing team sales culture?

Can You Use a High Performing Team to Win More Sales?

So what makes a high performing team sales culture? Is it critical that you get your sales and profits through a team based approach to sales and marketing? Is a high performing team the best way to grow your business revenue?

Can time management make you more productive?

Can Entrepreneurs Master Time Management?

How do successful entrepreneurs get the most out of their time management?  How can you get more out of your day? How you manage your time is critical to your life and to your business. I was recently given a book by Dan S. Kennedy called NO BS Time Management…