market leadership journal

What’s are the keys to building a high performing leadership team?

Can You Develop a High Performing Leadership Team?

What’s the key to building a growing, profitable business? How do you build a leadership team that can help you lead your markets? I’ve spent the last twenty five years working with and leading many of the world’s best run high growth businesses.

How is market leadership changing today?

How Is Market Leadership Changing Today?

For many years, we’ve talked about how you can build a market leadership position for your organization. Recently, I had several conversations with clients who wondered if market leadership should be the ultimate goal for their organizations as they grow. What are the benefits of building a market leading organization…

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

What are You Thankful for this Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday. It provides us with an opportunity to give thanks for the many people in our lives that make it special. This year I wanted to thank the people who make my life an adventure. The people who get me out of bed every day. The…

Are you connecting or are you broadcasting?

Are you connecting or are you broadcasting?

I recent caught up with a friend from college and it got me thinking. We hadn’t talked for over 30 years. A mutual friend of ours is not doing well and my friend wanted to see him before he passed away. We connected on that call in a way that…

What should you look for in your next great sales hire?

How do you find the best people for your sales organization? What has changed over the past several years in sales and business development? How do you find your next great sales hire? I was at the IoT Emerge event last week in Chicago.  It gave me an opportunity to…

Can Ginni Rometty Lead IBM Watson to their Healthcare Moonshot?

Can Ginni Rometty Lead IBM Watson to Healthcare Moonshot?

What’s the biggest challenge facing the world today? Many of my clients believe it revolves around improving the world’s population with better healthcare. Healthcare impacts everyone on our planet! I was at IBM’s World of Watson last week to better understand what role cognitive and predictive technologies have on our…

Can Ginni Rometty Help Grow Your Business?

Can Ginni Rometty Help Grow Your Business?

Do cognitive technologies change the way you grow your business? How can entrepreneurs grow smarter businesses by leveraging cognitive technologies to grow to the next level? I’m at The World of Watson conference this week learning about how cognitive technologies can help you grow a more profitable business. One of…

Can Cognitive Computing Provide Your Business an Advantage?

Can Cognitive Computing Provide Your Business an Edge?

How do you compete in a more complex world? What would it take to help you make better decisions faster? Could you get comfortable working with a thinking partner who is constantly learning and evolving? No, not me. I’m talking about cognitive computing!

What is required of leaders in times of change?

What is required of leaders in times of change?

I’m working on several great projects with clients on advanced analytics and Internet of Things. Some of the most common questions my clients ask are “What are the critical success factors in helping organizations successfully manage and use new technologies when things are changing so quickly? How do you lead…

Do you know what motivates your champion connectors?

What Motivates Your Champion Connectors Network?

Serving leaders struggle to expand their influence with people they don’t know.  I find building a network of champion connectors can help accele Add Mediarate your network and opportunities for growth. But what if you don’t have the right people in your network today?