Professional Services Marketing

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Do You Know What Your Clients Want?

We all make assumptions, sometimes really big ones. For example, we assume we know why our employees work for us. (It’s the paycheck, right?) We assume we know what our clients want and why they work with us. That is a huge assumption. The only way to really know what…

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How to Explore Great Business Opportunities

Have you made the huge mistake? Have you discounted ideas, suggestions, opportunities because they didn’t seem applicable to your business? Have you considered the real cost of not listening to other opinions, especially ideas that come from outside of your own industry. This article, the second of two parts, tells…

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When Did Sales Become a Four Letter Word?

In the first part of this blog we talked about how sales professionals role has been changing in the new economy. In this second blog we will discuss how to become better at selling and building relationships with clients. I heard a story a long time ago from the insurance…

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Three Keys to Business Development Success

Are you looking for success in your technology or software business? Do you want your company to not just survive, but thrive in these difficult economic times? What were your dreams when you started your business? Did you anticipate how difficult it would be if the market turned downward, as…

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Do Market Leaders Need Advisors?

In the first part of this article, Dan Kennedy started describing the first three reasons you need a coach; accountability, being questioned and challenged, and being listened to. Top performers in both athletics and business use coaches to keep themselves at peak performance. What are you doing right now to…

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To Increase Word-of-Mouth…Give’em Something to Talk About!

In a recent issue Prospecting Weekly, I dared you to become “legendary.” To be legendary is to become the “stuff that tales are made from.” This is a theme that warrants further attention. In my book Prospect & Flourish, I devote an entire chapter to the subject of outstanding service….

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The Nature of Networking

If you were growing your own food, would you wait until you were hungry to plant your seeds? Think about the question above. Certainly, you would not wait! Why? Because of simple laws of nature. When you plant seeds, you have to nurture them, and wait for them to grow….

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How to Identify Your Ideal Client

In a previous post I talked about the need to identify your ideal client when you start to target market. Generally speaking, most people can see that makes sense. If you’re going to target a specific segment of the market, you need to know who you are appealing to. However,…

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How to Position Your Business as a Market Leader

There’s a lot of technology marketing dollars wasted. There are software and technology companies that spend money on marketing without identifying their ideal client. Other companies hire expensive ad agencies to create ads in newspapers and trade journals to build a brand that doesn’t lead to measurable results. Just being…

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Take the Market Leadership Journal Lead Generation Survey Today

The more people I talk to, the more it seems lead generation is changing. More partners are moving away from sharing leads. Competition is growing stronger. Qualified leads are harder and harder to find. How are your lead generation methods working? We want to know what’s happening with you. Take…