The Power of the Mastermind

Napoleon Hill introduced the world to the concept of the Mastermind in is classic book “Think & Grow Rich” In it he explains the Mastermind as…
“The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.”

He continues …

“No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind [the master mind].”

Master mind groups have been around for hundreds of years helping people to make great changes in their lives, other people’s lives and even nation’s lives.

Three men created a Mastermind group that would give rise to the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, their names were Samuel Adams, John Hancock & Richard Henry Lee. They were the real Fathers of America. They and 53 others signed their names to this important document which set a chain reaction of power that gave inevitable victory to George Washington and his armies.

The power of the Mastermind when utilized properly is very potent and can be used for any purpose. Andrew Carnegie developed the huge United Steel Corporation of America through his teams of Mastermind groups.

MasterMind to Personal Power was created through the power of the Mastermind and is today helping individuals to form their very own business organizations through the power of the Mastermind gaining freedom in all areas of their lives.

So what exactly is a Mastermind group……

A Mastermind is a group of like minded individuals who share a common interest. They are willing to meet with each other on a regular basis and assist in supporting and holding each other accountable to reaching their goals.

The key to the success of the mastermind group is the fact that it consists of between 5-6 likeminded people who get to know each other on a regular basis preferably weekly. By meeting weekly it allows the group to get to know each other more quickly and develop trust for each other. Once this trust starts to blossom and develop the group begins to really gel and share all of their hopes dreams and aspirations.

This is a very important process because this allows people to start to share their goals with feeling and in great detail. Once each member has shared their goals not only does it reinforce the goal in the members mind but it also allows the other members to brainstorm through ways of achieving goals and getting around any obstacles that may appear.

It also allows the person sharing the goal to become accountable for reaching their goal and with the positive support of the other members gives them the impetus to develop the necessary action steps to achieve their goals!

This is the first part of an article on using Mastermind groups to their full advantage. Come back to read the second half on Thursday morning here at Market Leadership Journal.

Martyn Green, VP Global Development for Mastermind to Personal Power, sees his purpose is to coach Individuals, Businesses and their Employees to develop, grow and succeed in everything that they want to in all areas of their personal and business life. He will link people with their individual purposes by sharing knowledge and educating them with this knowledge that they are ultimately the masters of their own destiny. Go to his website at to reserve your seat around the table. We will answer your questions after the MasterMind meeting and we look forward to meeting you in person after the meeting.

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